Is your source for the image link a LinkCollection property? If you just render it using the property web control, will it display a link to the correct virtual path of the image?
This works in my CMS 6 installation:
string permanentLink = "~/link/9abeeb4114cd4c129187aa2562eaa849.jpg";
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(permanentLink);
lblTest.Text = url.ToString();
Thank you for your response.
The source is not a LinkCollection but a regular URL to Image Property.
I tried using the PermanentLinkMapStore before but I still cannot get the virtual path.
What if you get the PropertyData and ToString it rather than trying to get it's value? I think this is what the Property control does in this case. Do something like this:
string url;
PropertyData data = page.Property["MyProperty"];
if ((data == null || data.IsNull) { // Fallback here }
url = data.ToString();
In there somewhere it uses a permanent link map, use Reflector if you want to dig further into the details.
Hello there
Does anyone know how to change a Permanent Link such as “~/link/e76463a4b3604b51952312ca0e404bcd.gif” into a virtual link such as “/Global/images/myimage.jpg”?
There’s a tool to do it for Pages but I haven’t found anything for images.
This is what I’ve tried so far but I keep getting the permanent link or nothing at all:
string mappedLink = item.ToMappedLink();
string permanentLink = item.ToPermanentLink();
var url = new UrlBuilder(item.Href);
bool result = PermanentLinkMapStore.ToMapped(url);
string test = result ? url.ToString() : item.Href;
string str;
PermanentLinkMapStore.TryToMapped(uriToImage, out str);