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Upgrade to CMS 6 problem



During the upgrade from CMS 5 to CMS 6 I met an error which says: "Error - Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection." My default provider for rolemanager is set to Multiplexing, the same as membership one. Connection strings looks like this: <add name="EPiServerDB" connectionString="server=ip_address;database=databasename; User ID=username;Password=password;Connection Timeout=30;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

These settings work fine for all the aplication but when it somes to upgrade they don't.

May 27, 2010 11:11


We are experiencing the exact same problem. We suspect is has something to do with the Webserver not beeing in the same domain as the SQL-server. But we don't know. The upgrade from CMS5 SP2 to CMS5 R2 works like a charm.

Do someone have a solution to this problem? Doesn't deployment center support pure SQL-users?

Edited, Sep 30, 2010 11:20


We opened a query to the support and this is a known bug. Deployment Center when upgrading to CMS6 uses the user that starts the program, and not the information in connectionstrings.

Doesn't solve our problems, but atleast now we know. Mayby this information helps someone else.

Over and out.

Sep 30, 2010 12:31

Create an administrator user account on the machine where you run Deployment Center and the same username and password on the sql server (make it an Administrator, so it should be a sysadmin too.)

Run Deployment Center as this user (run as, or log in as). The upgrade should run fine.

Also, unrelated, but I think I remember a bug somewhere when using "server" instead of "datasource" in the connection string. Was in the previous deployment center (early versions I think).

Sep 30, 2010 13:40

We found a workaround close to your suggestion Steve:

- Add a domain user to DB-server with owner rights on the EpiServer database
- Run command:
runas /netonly /user:<DOMAIN>\<USER>"C:\Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\Shared\Install\EPiServerInstall.exe"

This starts deploymentcenter using the local account, but with the /netonly-switch we use the domain account for all network traffic. So we both get the local access and the network access we need.

Sep 30, 2010 14:13
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.