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Alphabetic sorting


I have read Fredrik Haglund's blogpost discussing alphabetic sorting (where a comment from Fredrik concludes that the database solution is not useable).

Intuitively, I find that the sorting SHOULD really work according to the sorting rules for the locale the page is viewed for; e.g. viewing a page in Swedish should result in Swedish sorting, viewing a page in Norwegian should result in Norwegian sorting (which is slightly different!) and so on...

The site I'm currently working on is running CMS R2, and because there are relatively few items to sort, I've chosen to sort manually (by sort index) instead of alphabetically - but I feel that this is not a very good solution in the long run.

Some questions:

* If I only have a few pagetypes with lists; would it be a good idea to override the GetChildren() method on the relevant pagetypes? (Given that the lists are relatively short, would this have much impact on site performance?)

* Is this problem still existing in EPiServer CMS 6?

* If yes above; are there any plans to correct this behaviour in future versions?




May 27, 2010 13:56
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