This guy had the same problem, but he fixed it by putting an empty global.asax in his root.
Then I remembered that I had made a change to the global.asax. Before, it was standalone, with embedded SCRIPT tags. I changed it to a code-behind, so I have a global.asax and a global.asax.cs. I took all the namespaces in "@Import" directives and changed them to "using" statements at the top of the code-behind. My global.asax now has nothing but an "@Application" directive at the top (like the example in the post linked above, but with an "inherits" attribute as well, pointing to the code-behind).
All the other stuff in the global file works fine. Except this has somehow broken the Default Document in Edit Mode.
Clicking on pages in Edit Mode in my CMS 6 install suddenly started throwing 404s. It didn't pick up the Default Document anymore. Calls to this --
-- would 404, while calls to this (with the "default.aspx") --
-- would be fine.
I searched World and found this issue:
IIS7 Default Document 404
This guy had the same problem, but he fixed it by putting an empty global.asax in his root.
Then I remembered that I had made a change to the global.asax. Before, it was standalone, with embedded SCRIPT tags. I changed it to a code-behind, so I have a global.asax and a global.asax.cs. I took all the namespaces in "@Import" directives and changed them to "using" statements at the top of the code-behind. My global.asax now has nothing but an "@Application" directive at the top (like the example in the post linked above, but with an "inherits" attribute as well, pointing to the code-behind).
All the other stuff in the global file works fine. Except this has somehow broken the Default Document in Edit Mode.
Why would this be?