Connect for Sharepoint Content Channel problems



I've been following the tutorial here trying to set up a content channel.

I've set up the inbound channel like this:

I've set up the push from sharepoint (WSS3) like this:

In the "permissions for functions" in the EPiServer admin application I have user wss3 allowed to access web services.

In the website web.config i have the <location path="WebServices"> authorization section set to <allow users="*" /> in order to make sure that the basic authentication is not hampering my attempts.

When i do a test connection I get a message saying "Connection to EPiServer CMS OK. Warning! EPiServer CMS does not have a valid EPiServer Connect for SharePoint license. A valid license is required on the EPiServer CMS server in order for this connection will work properly." however i DO have a valid developer license sitting in the webroot of my website. Is this a normal error to get? Is there another way to tell whether the license is working properly (i can insert sharepoint documents via the file manager in Edit).


The main problem is that when i "resend content" to that channel I get the following error:


Resending Tasks to channel WSS3

Error sending Tasks to channel WSS3 : System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> EPiServer.Core.EPiServerException: The user does not have the 'Permission.WebServiceAccess' access right to access web services on the remote site, for user

at EPiServer.WebServices.DataFactoryService.ValidateWebServiceAccess()

at EPiServer.WebServices.ContentChannelService.ValidateWebServiceAccess()

at EPiServer.WebServices.ContentChannelService.ImportPage(String channelId, String pageName, String[] propertyKeys, String[] propertyValues, String cultureName, Guid pageId, Guid parentPageId, String pageTypeName)

--- End of inner exception stack trace ---


I am at a bit of a loss as to why this is happening... If anyone has any ideas i'd be grateful. Thanks


Aug 09, 2010 11:44

I should also add that I have seen this example in the forum of somebody having the same problem ( but that it was fixed by adding the user to the permissions for functions - which I have already done...

Aug 09, 2010 11:46

Are you able to browse to the Web Service, Content....asmx? Are EPiServer and Sharepoint in the same domain? Also, could it have anything to do with the name of the channel, user etc all being WSS3? It is running fine on my sites (locally).

Aug 10, 2010 15:57

I can browse the web service content. EPiServer and Sharepoint are on the same server. I have renamed the channel and am still having the same problem. I have also tried other user names with the appropriate rights, still the error is the same.

Thanks for trying!

Aug 11, 2010 18:06

I have gotten the same error message myself (but I am not sure what I did to fix it). On question... In Sharepoint where you have configured the channel, what happens when you "Test Connection"? (I get "Connection to EPiServer CMS OK - Valid License found).

One issue might be the license file (mine is located in the root of the site). Another thing.. I see from the screenshots that you have used "Tasks" from Sharepoint as the basis for publishing, could you try to use Announcements instead. Make sure you map Pagename and Heading to the property "Heading" and other properies that are mandetory. Also, does the WSS3 user have publish rights (not sure if it is needed). Let me know how it goes!

Aug 12, 2010 10:49

Stein-Viggo, what users/groups do you have listed as having web services permissions within "Permissions for Functions"?

This problem seems to be all down to permissions. I've created a simple console application using the content channel service to test this instead of using SharePoint, with the same results. If I can get it working in the console app, it should all work in SharePoint.

If I add "Everyone" or "Anonymous" to have web service permissions the import works correctly. As soon as I restrict it buy a group (say "Administrators") it gives me:

EPiServer.Core.EPiServerException: The user does not have the 'Permission.WebServiceAccess' access right to access web services on the remote site.

This error occurs even though the user is a member of "Administrators" role, so I'm not sure why this is occurring.

Also, the authorization section in the web.config only contains the following:

    <allow roles="WebServices, Administrators" />

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.


PS. When we do a Test Connection in SharePoint, we get "Connection to EPiServer CMS OK. Warning! EPiServer CMS does not have a valid EPiServer Connect for SharePoint license. A valid license is required on the EPiServer CMS server in order for this connection will work properly." - Though there is a developer license installed on the website, so I am assuming you need a production license for this to say "Connection to EPiServer CMS OK - Valid License found"?

Sep 01, 2010 12:31

Last thing first... I also get the same message as you when I "Test Connection" in Sharepoint.

I see now that I have the "administrator" user as the user who acts as a Web Service user (local administration account). I am not sure if this has something to do with it but check this setting in you config file...

<location path="WebServices">


      Configure the EPiServer.Security.BasicAuthentication module to send a basic authentication challenge 

      instead of a redirect to the forms login page. For this to take effect the EPiServer.Security.BasicAuthentication

      module must be added to the list of http modules.


    <episerver.basicAuthentication sendBasicChallenge="true" basicRealm="" />

Sep 01, 2010 16:19


Have you found a solution for that issue. I'm trying to do basically the same thing and I have the exact same problem. I found some informations on your forums but it's not clear if I have to activate or not basic authentication in IIS. I'm able to access the web service in my browser but not with code. 



Aug 07, 2012 21:13

@James Patterson: Regarding your license question - it is an issue in Connect for SharePoint. It reports a license verification error message, even if there is a problem  related to access rights. So if you fix the access rights - the developer license should work fine when you testing connection.

Aug 08, 2012 10:16
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.