Hashed passwords in EpiServer CMS 4 and 5


We are in the process of migrating from CMS 4 to CMS 5. We communicate with a third party CMS 4 system via a web service (This system is not migrating from CMS 4).  We pass a user object to the web service which contains a hashed password and a salt. Before our migration the hash and salt were retrieved from a UserSid object. In CMS 5 we have tried to pass the hash and salt from the membership provider but these are not compatible.  In .net 2.0 – 3.5 the default cryptography algorithm for hashing is SHA1.

I need to know which algorithm was used for hashing in CMS 4.62 and also that CMS 5 uses the default algorithm of SHA1.


Jan 13, 2011 18:10
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