Trouble indexing files from VirtualPathNativeProvider

I have some trouble indexing files using the VirtualPathNativeProvider. I am also using VirtualPathVersioningProvider in the same solution for other files, and they all get indexed and I get searchresults for these files. No luck with the VirtualPathNativeProvider though. 

I am logging with log4net on the server where the index-service is running, and I get this error message (where "Filkataloger" is the name of the native folder in episerver.config):

2011-10-21 10:06:38,915 [7] EPiServer.IndexingService.MainService.Run(:0) - Failed to index configuration 2
System.Exception: Cannot find root in database: /Filkataloger
at EPiServer.IndexingService.ObjectStoreManager.IsChildOfConfiguration(IItem item)
at EPiServer.IndexingService.MainService.Index(Configuration config)
at EPiServer.IndexingService.MainService.Run()

This is the setup in EPiServer.IndexingService.exe.config:
<add connectionString="Data Source=*******;Initial Catalog=******;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=*******;Password=****;"
itemRoot="/Filkataloger" />

This is the setup in episerver.config:
<add showInFileManager="true" virtualName="Filkataloger" virtualPath="~/Filkataloger/" indexingServiceCatalog="Web" bypassAccessCheck="false" maxVersions="5"
physicalPath="\\*******\e$\Episerver_Fileshare\VPP\Intranett\Filkataloger" name="Filkataloger" type="EPiServer.Web.Hosting.VirtualPathNativeProvider,EPiServer" />

Has anyone any idea of what I am doing wrong here? I am trying to use the EPiServer CMS Indexing Service to do the job. This is supposed to work right, or do I have to use Microsoft indexing service?

Any help would be appreciated.



Oct 21, 2011 10:31
Dec 02, 2011 1:39

The VirtualPathNativeProvider is indeed using Microsoft Indexing Service, but it is confirmed to be not working in CMS 6 R2 (see,EPiServer%20CMS,74385,%2b4d5gb25szlPurXylr9TFRIdi%2fs%3d). Or rather, the indexing may work but the search function in Epi does not make use of it. I don't know what CMS version you are running?

The EPiServer Indexing Service is used only if you are working with the default VirtualPathVersioningProvider.

In our case, a migrated 4.62 site we first chose go down the Native path - in order to save some time during migration, but in the end it was a problem since search wasn't working. So next time we run the migration we configured it for the VersioningProvider and it worked!

Dec 02, 2011 13:17
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