Depends on how your code looks, but something like this:
public class PropertyWeekNumberDropDownControl : PropertySelectControlBase { protected override void SetupEditControls() { this.SetupDropDownList(); } private void SetupDropDownList() { this.EditControl.DataSource = GetWeekNumbers; if (this.WeekNumberDropDown.Value != null) { this.EditControl.SelectedValue = this.WeekNumberDropDown.Value as string; } this.EditControl.DataBind(); } public PropertyWeekNumberDropDown WeekNumberDropDown { get { return PropertyData as PropertyWeekNumberDropDown; } } }
This should save your value:
public override void ApplyEditChanges() { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(yourControl.SelectedValue)) { SetValue(yourControl.SelectedItem.Value); } }
And then to set it you need to go through your options and then check if its equal the current value:
foreach (var val in yourListOfOptions) { ListItem li = new ListItem(val, yourListOfOptions[val]); li.Selected = currentPropertyValue == yourListOfOptions[val]; yourControl.Items.Add(li); }
Something like that should do it I think
That did the trick. I was uncertain how it would assume the Get would belong to the page being edited but with a function name that revealing I see the connection. Thanks guys!
If someone might read this one still I've got another question. Is it possible to reach a dynamic property in the code for the custom property? I need to get the value of one to fill the dropdown. I usually just use CurrentPage["MyProperty"] but that won't work in this case.
So, I've created my first ever custom property - a dynamically filled DropDownList. Works great until I go back and edit an already saved page because it doesn't remember what my choice was. I'm sure there is some function I need to call to do this, I just don't know which one it is. Care to help me out? How do I set the selected value to the saved value from the last edit?