The Relate demo templates comes with an example where you upload videos using EPiServer´s own video hosting. It has an inbuilt player for viewing and an admin interface with thumbnailing for quick viewing (moderating). See
If you want to change this behavior (storing videos on your own server) you need to think of all the extra band width that is required for serving videos and media conversion. The EPiServer video hosing solves this for you.
Thanks Stein-Viggo. The EPiServer video service uses CDN and EPiServer has its own video hosting service.
Though the EPiServer video hosting service looks great, we are looking for other cost-effective options (CDN provider) as well.
Can we use other CDNs in this case like akamai/edgecast and would it be just a matter of modifying the cdnprovider config values?
Someone more technical have to answer the "how to" but have a look at for additional informasjon on CDN
If anyone can give some additional technical feedback, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
We need users to be able to upload videos in the community.
How does this work? Do we need a video hosting provider? Wouldn't it be just the same thing as uploading images?
Can't we just upload to the website's server?
Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks.