Check the value of Admin mode - Config - Permissions for functions - All functions available in the EPiServer CMS 5 Editor
I allreade tried that ... Iam added and so is the group administrators (windows provider) which am a part of.
Ensure that all options are removed, log out and log in again and the editor options should dissappear. Also I assume you are using EPiServer 5.
No, it wont work. And I tried both long string and xhtml editor. Unchecked everything, loged out, ctrl f5 reload, restarted IIS. It wont work. Refer to my first post for the version of epi Iam using.
Thanks for the help though.
So you have removed all groups from the "All functions available in the EPiServer CMS 5 Editor" option?
There are only administrators and myself there. Is it because of that that I, when logined, can see every format button in the editor? No?
Yes thats exactly it, members of groups or individuals in that list can see all options in the editor
Ok! Thank you very much David. And silly me. Bare with me, Iam kind of new to this, eeger to learn though.
I have made a property like this:
In EpiServer (5.2.375.236) I make a property long string > 255 and uncheck all boxes for formatting options, but I still get an editor with all those options and styles. What could be wrong?