Are you using Chrome? Try to start the website on another port. Right click the project and choose 'Properties' then go to the 'Web' tab and choose a specific port.
Thanks for your answer
The problem apparently is independant from the port number
I modified the number to many unused ones but the error message remain the same !
"Impossible to lunch the ASP.NET development server, because the 'XXXX' port is used."
Am i messing something here ? or what !
We've had this on several server 2003 and XP boxes, but not ever on a Win 7 box (I am talking about CMS 6 btw). Fustratingly, if you go to create a standard .NET project (rather than an Episerver one), you should have no issue (or so we found consistantly on each and every build).
Thanks for your replies
well .. problem solved .. i just reinstalled the site using the EPi Deployment center but this time with full options(mirroring service,..)
May be this will help someone else!
I am trying to learn how to develop an EpiServer project.
when i run the project i've got this error message:
"Impossible to lunch the ASP.NET development server, because the '6666' port is used."
and there is no port opened with # 6666
i know this because i runned (netstat -an | find "6666") with no result !
Any idea ?
Tanks for help !