November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.
November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.
Really? Only one works for me (the one in mainbody), the one in the green column does not work.
Three people here have tested it (PC, Mac - FF, IE8, Safari).
Some it doesnt work for?
Try decoding the NavigateUrl.
Something like
link.NavigateUrl = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(item.NavigateUrl);
Hi Per! No sorry it doesnt work. Strange. Is it because item.NavigateURL is a string? Can I convert it to a URL (as url dont work when I try).
Iam bit of a newbie, so forgive me.
No problem. You need to add .ToString() as well :-)
Like this? link.NavigateUrl = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(item.NavigateUrl).ToString();
It doesnt work, sorry. The intel also says that no actual conversion is done (when hovering the line).
Some sites to day have åäö in their url. Like this site: http://www.tä
If an editor makes a link to that site using the standard XHTML property everything is fine on our site. But we also have a linklist and when an editor makes a link in that it doesnt work so well. Here is an example, click on the two links (main body and right column):
The linklist seems to be a property with code behind to it. The Property's name is "RelatedInfo". This is some if the CodeBehind:
LinkItemCollection list = TargetPage["RelatedInfo"] as LinkItemCollection;
if (list != null)
CustomLinkItemCollection customList = new CustomLinkItemCollection(list);
rptLinkCollection.DataSource = customList;
Then there is:
Panel panel = args.Item.FindControl("pnlItem") as Panel;
CustomLinkItem item = args.Item.DataItem as CustomLinkItem;
HyperLink link = new HyperLink();
link.Text = item.Text;
link.NavigateUrl = item.NavigateUrl;
link.Target = item.Target;
Please, can I do something with the C# to fix the link problem? If you want me to post more code, I can do that.