Mixing MVC (I assume that you're using the MVC pattern since you're using Razor) and WebForms controls makes things a little more difficult.
I would suggest that you either find or create a HTMLHelper that works similar to the PageTree.
The toolkit EPiBoost ( should contain some usefull features that you might like.
Thanks for the tool.
I finally explore the PageTreeData in the view and render every level manualy.
My name is paqman and I'm new to EPiServer.
We are currently developping the sitemap of our website on EPiServer 7.5 (using MVC4/razor)
I've seen some tutos about using PageTreeData and the webcontrol episerver:pagetree to render it, always with "classic" asp. (i.e ).
The question is, is there a way to use the pagetree webcontrol to display the sitemap from a razor context ?
Thanks for any help