xForm email


I'm trying to format the xForm email. We have overriden CustomXFormPageUnknownActionHandler because the channel options are alway None when using the OnbeforeSubmit event.

I have tried getting the form data with xFormData.GetValues(). This only returns the field names and user entered data. How can I get the lable values you see on the form? I was able to iterate through the form fragments with limited success. InputFragment work but when it comes to Checkboxes or Radio button, I can see the lables. The fragments only GetValues() and fragments only return 1 or 0 for radio buttons and not the text.

Apr 07, 2014 21:27

Some of this doesn't pertain to you but it will get you what you need to get started.

public PollResult GetPollResults(XFormControl xFormControl, XForm form)
            IList<XFormData> data = form.GetPostedData();
            PollResult result = new PollResult();
            ControlCollection controls = xFormControl.Controls;
            result.TotalItems = form.GetPostedDataCount();
            foreach (var item in controls)
                if (item is Select1)
                    var select = item as Select1;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Question))
                        result.Question = select.Label;
                    var options = select.Choices.Items;
                    if (options.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var option in options)
                            var value = data.Where(p => p.Data.InnerText == option.Value).Count();
                            var resultItem = new Result();
                            resultItem.Name = option.Value;
                            resultItem.Value = value;
                            resultItem.Percentage = Math.Round(((double)value / (double)result.TotalItems) * 100, 1);

            return result;


Apr 10, 2014 4:59

Ended up wrtiting an extension method instead. Here is hiw we use it. XFormControl is a small class to hold the Name of the control, Lable, and Value.

var xFormControls = xFormPostedData.XFormControls().ToList();


public class XFormControl



/// Unique identifier of the control


public string Name { get; set; }


/// Label on the XForm control


public string Label { get; set; }


/// Value of the control


public string Value { get; set; }




/// Extension methods for EPiServer XFormPostedData


public static class XFormPostedDataExtensions





///<param name="xFormPostedData"></param>


publicstaticList<XFormControl> XFormControls(thisXFormPostedData xFormPostedData)


XFormControl control = newXFormControl();

List<XFormControl> controls = newList<XFormControl>();

IEnumerable<XFormsFragment> xFormFragments = xFormPostedData.XFormFragments.ToList();

foreach (var fragment in xFormFragments.Where(f => f isXFormsFragment))


string fragValue = fragment.Value;

string fragNameX = fragment.Name;

string fragName = fragment.Reference; //

Type type = fragment.GetType();

//Template for every heading field

if (type == typeof(TextFragment))


control = newXFormControl();

control.Name = fragName;

control.Value = fragValue;



//Template for every textbox field

if (type == typeof(InputFragment))


control = newXFormControl();

control.Name = fragName;

control.Label = ((InputFragment)(fragment)).Label;

control.Value = fragValue;



//Template for every textarea field

elseif (type == typeof(TextareaFragment))


control = newXFormControl();

control.Name = fragName;

control.Label = ((TextareaFragment)(fragment)).Label;

control.Value = fragValue;



//An option in a select control

elseif (type == typeof(SelectOption))


control = newXFormControl();

control.Name = fragName;

control.Value = fragValue;



//Template for every checkbox field

elseif (type == typeof(SelectFragment))


control = newXFormControl();

control.Name = fragName;

control.Label = ((SelectFragment)(fragment)).Label;

List<SelectOption> options = ((SelectFragment)(fragment)).Options.Where(x => x.SelectedItem).ToList();

if (options != null)


foreach (SelectOption option in options)


if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(control.Value))


control.Value = option.Text;




control.Value += ", " + option.Text;






//Template for every dropdown field

elseif (type == typeof(Select1Fragment))


control = newXFormControl();

control.Name = fragName;

control.Label = ((Select1Fragment)(fragment)).Label;

SelectOption option = ((Select1Fragment)(fragment)).Options.Where(x => x.SelectedItem).FirstOrDefault();

if (option != null)


control.Value = option.Text;




//Template for every radio button field

elseif (type == typeof(Select1AsRadiobuttonFragment))


control = newXFormControl();

control.Name = fragName;

control.Label = ((Select1AsRadiobuttonFragment)(fragment)).Label;

SelectOption option = ((Select1AsRadiobuttonFragment)(fragment)).Options.Where(x => x.SelectedItem).FirstOrDefault();

if (option != null)


control.Value = option.Text;




//Template for every dropdown field

elseif (type == typeof(Select1tAsDropdownListFragment))


control = newXFormControl();

control.Name = fragName;

control.Label = ((Select1tAsDropdownListFragment)(fragment)).Label;

control.Value = fragValue;


//Template for every submit button

elseif (type == typeof(SubmitFragment))


//This is a submit button



return controls;



Edited, Apr 17, 2014 21:00
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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