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Create Custom Language with Azure



In the project I'm working on now we need to create a number of custom languages, this is unfortunately not as easy as we first thought.

I have looked into CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder and that seems to do the job. The problem though, is Register() need to run with administrator rights and we are hosting on Azure.

Anyone have any idea how to solve this or perhaps if there is a better way to create custom languges?


Nov 26, 2015 13:12


Did you ever solve this? Adding custom cultures/languages to azure?



Oct 24, 2016 15:30

Hi, try this link -> How to: Save Custom Cultures Without Administrative Privileges

Please let us know if this worked, as I did not try it yet.

Nov 01, 2016 12:37


I tried that one too and got same error about admin rights:screenshot

I've also tried this before anyone succest it (as op did):Episerver adding custom language

Some other way or work around?

/ Tobias

Nov 04, 2016 10:44

Hi again,

It doesn't seem like this is possible according to our talks with Microsoft. They wont allow us too add the extra Cultures as long as we are useing App Service.

It should be possible if you are using a VM tho but thats not really helping.

So i guess this is not happening atm.


Nov 09, 2016 10:19
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