It's possible. Check out the TemplateCoordinator in the Alloy project:
viewTemplateModelRegistrator.Add(typeof(SitePageData), new TemplateModel { Name = "PagePartial", Inherit = true, AvailableWithoutTag = true, Path = PagePartialPath("Page.cshtml") });
Hi Marcus,
Take a look at this page: http://world.episerver.com/documentation/Items/Developers-Guide/Episerver-CMS/9/Rendering/Rendering/
You can create a new page controller and decorate it with TemplateDescriptor attribute. In TemplateDescriptor, you can specify your own tags that you want to be used with Html.PropertyFor helper.
Alright, I have added the following class:
[TemplateDescriptor(Inherited = true, Tags = new[] { "test" })] public class PageDataBaseTemplate : ContentControlBase<PageDataBase> { }
And I now render the contentarea containing the pages with:
@Html.PropertyFor(m => m.CurrentPage.PageReferences, new { Tag = "test"})
Problem is it still doesn't show. It says for example that it doesn't have a renderer for "NewsPage" which is a pagetype that inherits from "PageDataBase". I've tried putting the .cshtml file on different locations as I am not sure of where it should be but no luck yet!
Got any index method?
public ActionResult Index(IContent currentContent)
...in that you can set the name of the view and the correct viewmodel as well.
Then add a view .csheml with the correct name and model to shared views. You probably want a generic viewmodel.
Check out the PreviewController in alloy project for some example
[TemplateDescriptor( Inherited = true, TemplateTypeCategory = TemplateTypeCategories.MvcController, //Required as controllers for blocks are registered as MvcPartialController by default Tags = new[] { RenderingTags.Preview, RenderingTags.Edit }, AvailableWithoutTag = false)] [VisitorGroupImpersonation] public class PreviewController : ActionControllerBase, IRenderTemplate<BlockData>
public ActionResult Index(IContent currentContent) { //As the layout requires a page for title etc we "borrow" the start page var startPage = _contentLoader.Get<StartPage>(SiteDefinition.Current.StartPage); var model = new PreviewModel(startPage, currentContent);
return View(model); }
You don't need the tags for preview and edit mode though
First you should go for Pers solution since using controllers is not always a good approach when it comes to performance in partial views. With that said you need to put your view in a location that MVC is looking for.
In some cases the cshtml file would be in the /views/shared/displaytemplates folder. You also need to return a view as Daniel mentioned above and in that you can go for returning a view in a specific path if you like.
What is your names of the cshtml file?
Since it is for newspages your are trying to solve a partial view you could be a bit more specific and say in the controller it is for NewsPage and not for all pages inheriting from <PageDataBase>.
I agree, Per's solution with IViewTemplateModelRegistrator will perform better, and you don't have to create additional controllers.
But performance wise, nothing beats ContentOutputCache on top of each page controller :)
Yup, if you can do without controller that is the best solution :) agree.
Depends if you need to assemble more information to your viewmodel in controller. For just printing some fields from current page a view is enough...
I am creating a site where several page types will have a content area where the editors can add related pages. Each page type is a subclass to a base page type where some data for the related pages view are stored such as an image, header, some text and a link. In the editor view I would like to see all related pages in the content area. The problem I have is that if I render the content area with Html.PropertyFor(page => page.RelatedPagesContentArea) it only works for the pages that has a template at Views/Shared/PageType.cshtml and otherwise displays There's no renderer for 'PageType'. If I add the same template for every pagetype it would work as I want it but I would prefer to be able to add a single template for my base page type instead, is this possible or could it be solved in a different way?