IList as a field in a Block


Hi All,

Very recently I came to know that I could have IList as a field in a Block. Following is the field I have added.

[EditorDescriptor(EditorDescriptorType = typeof(CollectionEditorDescriptor))]
            Name = "Section",
            Description = "Add sections here",
            GroupName = SystemTabNames.Content,
            Order = 6)]
        public virtual IList Sections { get; set; }

        public class DishPropery : PropertyList
            protected override MenuSectionBlock ParseItem(string value)
                return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(value);

            public override PropertyData ParseToObject(string value)
                return this;

With this implementation I am now able to add data but am not able to view the same in Preview/Edit mode unless I publish the block. Is the code missing something?

May 25, 2016 13:10
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