Episerver is very careful to update things that are changed in the admin mode.
if you truly want to have your properties non-CultureSpecific, go to admin and reset your property. Note that if your editor has translated those properties, those translations will be removed and the content will start using the master language properties.
if it's ok that these properties are culturespecific i would suggest that you add the attribute to your code to prevent those errors to appear in startup.
if you don't like your editors to fiddle with the content types, look at my blog post http://talk.alfnilsson.se/2014/02/04/change-how-your-episerver-contenttype-is-administered-with-administrationsettingsattribute
Thank you for this we want to give the client the flexibility to make properties Culture specific thus did not set any attributes into the Model,
I'm getting the following error message when my Episerver solution starts up
Im not setting CultureSpecific attribute in my C# Models, although allowing the client to control this via Admin Mode of Episerver. Are these errors due to Episerver trying to Synch the Models to the Content types ? Can they safely be ignored or should i always explicitly set the Culture Specific attribute to my Properties in Code ?