Episerver forms custom validator never shows in UI



I am trying to create a custom validator for the latest version of Episerver forms. However, no matter what I do my validator never shows in the UI.  I have tried a few different approached with no luck.

I need to create a regex validator and I have tried the below, which when I tried it a couple of months ago on an older version of Episerver Forms, did show in the UI.

Any help here greatly appreciated.

public class PostCodeValidator : RegularExpressionValidatorBase
    public override IValidationModel Model
            if (_model == null)
                string str = "^[1-9][0-9]{3}\s?[a-zA-Z]{2}$";
               _model = GetRegularExpressionValidationModel(str, str);
            return _model;
Also, I am aware that I need to add values for this in the language file, but I dont see to have a lang xml at the moment. Does this need to be named anything specific or put in a specific place in the solution?
Jan 16, 2017 12:56

instead of 

  if (_model == null)

try empty case or =="" ;

I dont see any problems with your code though, you might need to go to stackoverflow.


hdmi modulator

Jan 28, 2017 12:54
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