I do not think that there are any "built in" funtions to support that like in Episerver Find where you can get it from the server where the result are based on statistics on what other has search for.
There are no problem implementing it yourself against Episerver search, just add a web api action that do the search and return a list of suggesstions. The way to get them from the search engine depends on what your looking for, but you could also do a search for each keystroke and return the result as links.
Hi Henrik,
Thanks for reply. It is a bit odd that such a simple functionality has not implemented in Episerver. Could you please describe the solution more, or if you have a link to an article or something, I really apreciate if you can share it.
To be honest I couldn't find that much documents about search and even the alloy demo site uses Find not Search.
Hi Bob,
Thanks for reply. I am asking for Episerver Search. Can you help me?
Hi Ashkan,
I would recommed looking at Find, as it has this and other useful capabilities out of the box. If you want to stay with the standard search capability (which is based on lucene.net) you could track term usage yourself (as suggested by Henrik), or look at some of these resources:
Martin beat me to it, look at his links and either use the lucene.net.suggest or take inspiration from it.
I need to implement an auto complete and suggestions for my search. So in my search box I could recommend the next words that the one can type and misspelling corrections. I just cannot findout how to implement it.