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I was able to get this working with the custom EditorDescriptor described above, along with a custom Dojo widget that inherits from the relevant built-in widgets and overrides the "uiType" property for the "GroupName" meatadata. I'm not sure if this is the best way to accomplish this, but it seems to function as desired. See below for details.
[EditorDescriptorRegistration(TargetType = typeof(ItemCollection<CommerceMedia>), EditorDescriptorBehavior = EditorDescriptorBehavior.OverrideDefault, UIHint = Constants.UIHints.CommerceMediaCollection)] public class CommerceMediaCollectionEditorDescriptor : EPiServer.Commerce.Shell.UIDescriptors.EditorDescriptors.CommerceMediaCollectionEditorDescriptor { #region Constructors public CommerceMediaCollectionEditorDescriptor(LocalizationService localizationService, AssetUrlConventions assetUrlConventions) : base(localizationService, assetUrlConventions) { } #endregion #region Public Methods public override void ModifyMetadata(ExtendedMetadata metadata, IEnumerable<Attribute> attributes) { ClientEditingClass = "editors/CommerceMediaCollectionEditor/Editor"; var assetGroupNames = typeof(Constants.AssetGroupNames).GetConstantValues<string>().Select(x => new { text = x, value = x }); metadata.AdditionalValues.Add("assetGroupNames", assetGroupNames); base.ModifyMetadata(metadata, attributes); } #endregion }
define([ //dojo "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/when", //epi "epi-ecf-ui/contentediting/editors/CommerceMediaCollectionEditor" ], function ( //dojo declare, array, lang, when, //epi CommerceMediaCollectionEditor ) { return declare("site.editors.CommerceMediaCollectionEditor", [CommerceMediaCollectionEditor], { //overrides postCreate: function () { this.inherited(arguments); //after the model is initialized, override the the UI for the GroupName property when(this.model.initialize(), lang.hitch(this, function () { this._initGroupNamePropertyEditor(); })); }, //private methods _initGroupNamePropertyEditor: function () { //get the group name property from itemMetadata var groupNameProperty = array.filter(, function (property) { return == "GroupName"; })[0]; //use built-in epi SelectionEditor to render dropdown groupNameProperty.uiType = "epi-cms/contentediting/editors/SelectionEditor"; groupNameProperty.selections = this.metadata.additionalValues.assetGroupNames; //set initial value to first dropdown element (the "initialValue" property is defined/implemented by base CollectionEditor, and is then passed to SelectionEditor as the value property) groupNameProperty.initialValue = groupNameProperty.selections[0].value; } }); });
When adding a CommerceMedia item to a product/variant via the "Add Media" button, there is an input field for "Group." I need to change this input to a dropdown that is bound to an enum.
I have a custom EditorDescriptor set up for the CommerceMediaCollection property on the product/variant. This EditorDescriptor inherits from the default CommerceMediaCollectionEditorDescriptor. I've started looking through the various related Dojo files, but I'm having trouble figuring out where to override how each field on the "Add Media" modal is rendered.
Does anyone have experience accomplishing this, or something similar?