This looks like there is an exception when we create zip package which contains XML file need to translate. Do you have special characters on your content name, or its content...? Could you try to reproduce it on a fresh Alloy sample?
Thanks for answering! The problem was that some of the content had norwegian characters in their name-property. (ø - æ - å ) The download completed without these letters.
I'm getting a 500-error when trying to download a "translation package" created with the Languages Addon. Am I missing any config, or is it a problem with some of the content?
2017-05-09 09:27:59,261 [30] ERROR EPiServer.Labs.LanguageManager.Business.XLIFFTranslationPackageExporter: Exception: System.ArgumentException: Part URI is not valid per rules defined in the Open Packaging Conventions specification.
at System.IO.Packaging.PackUriHelper.ValidatePartUri(Uri partUri)
at System.IO.Packaging.Package.CreatePart(Uri partUri, String contentType, CompressionOption compressionOption)
at EPiServer.Labs.LanguageManager.Business.XLIFFTranslationPackageExporter.ExportProjectContents(IEnumerable`1 projectContentLinks, ZipPackage package)
at EPiServer.Labs.LanguageManager.Business.XLIFFTranslationPackageExporter.TryExport(Int32 projectId, String& packagePath, String& packageName)[Part URI is not valid per rules defined in the Open Packaging Conventions specification.].
2017-05-09 09:27:59,261 [30] DEBUG EPiServer.Labs.LanguageManager.Controllers.ExportingController: Exporting Project Id = 1 fail.