As a solution I have used standard EPiServer translation mechanism and auto-generated XML files with translations.
What exactly solution looks like when it comes to multiple languages and code how you localize them. That would give me more background of support to be added to the package.. thx
I have a list of countries from the EPiCommerce:
I am applying the localization by the country ISO code if it is possible:
LocalizationService.Current.TryGetString($"/mytranslationpath/{code}", out translation)
I generate the xml files with translations from the Excel document I have from customer:
<languages> <language name="English" id="en"> <countries> <AF>Afghanistan</AF> <AX>Åland Islands</AX> <AL>Albania</AL> </countries> </language> </languages>
I need a drop down control showing all the list of Countries (it should be a part of Billing address form).
I could the contries list from Epi Commerce (like this code from Quicksilver project):
countryManager.GetCountries().Country.Select(x => new CountryViewModel { Code = x.Code, Name = x.Name });
However, here I will have the Names in English. And theses names have to be localizable. I wonder if there is some in-build nice solution for such cases.
At the moment I was reviewing certain technical solutions, but none looks very good for me: