TinyMCE button not showing in editor


I'm trying to get the improved code plugin to work on episerver 10.8.0. I can see the js file for the code show up in the dev tools when the editor is up, but the button isn't there.

The changes shown here in this thread were applied and the button still doesn't show up.




Chrome Dev Tools:


PlugInName = "improvedcode", 
ButtonName = "HTML+", 
GroupName = "misc",
IconUrl = "Editor/tinymce/plugins/improvedcode/img/htmlplus.gif",
EditorInitConfigurationOptions = @"{
improvedcode_options : {
height: 580
,indentUnit: 4
,tabSize: 4
,lineNumbers: true
,autoIndent: true
,theme: 'monokai'
public class improvedcodePlugin

Jun 02, 2017 20:05

To answer my own question: 

ButtonName = "HTML+"

was the issue, removing the '+' symbol resolved this issue.

Jun 08, 2017 1:22
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