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I'm an idiot, turns out all I needed to do was to add EnableViewState="true" to the UserControl 🤦♂️
I am creating a UserSettings tab for additional information based on these instructions:
I am creating the tab as an ascx UserControl, which - I have to admit - I haven't worked with for a long time and don't really remember allt he ins and outs of it.
Everything works as expected, except that a DropDownList that I am displaying is reset before the selected value is saved (epi calls OnLoad when I click on Save in the UI).
Here's some snippets that hopefully shows enough to figure it out:
In the ascx (snippet of dropdown):
The backend code:
[GuiPlugIn(DisplayName = "Additional User Settings", Description = "Additional User Settings", Area = PlugInArea.SidSettingsArea, Url = "~/modules/UserSettings.ascx")] public partial class UserSettings : System.Web.UI.UserControl, IUserSettings, ICustomPlugInLoader { private readonly IDictionary<string, string> markets; public UserSettings() { var CVLService = new CVLService(); markets = CVLService.GetCVL("Market"); } private IDictionary<string, string> createMarketsList() { if (marketList.DataSource == null) { marketList.DataSource = markets; marketList.DataBind(); } return markets; } public bool SaveRequiresUIReload { get; set; } protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); createMarketsList(); } public void LoadSettings(string userName, EPiServerProfile data) { if (!IsPostBack) { createMarketsList(); firstName.Text = data.FirstName; lastName.Text = data.LastName; avatar.Text = data.GetPropertyValue("Avatar").ToString(); var market = data.GetPropertyValue("Market").ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(market) || !markets.ContainsKey(market)) market = "global"; marketList.SelectedValue = market; } } public void SaveSettings(string userName, EPiServerProfile data) { data.FirstName = firstName.Text; data.LastName = lastName.Text; data.SetPropertyValue("Avatar", avatar.Text); data.SetPropertyValue("Market", marketList.SelectedValue); data.Save(); } public PlugInDescriptor[] List() { return new[] { PlugInDescriptor.Load(typeof(UserSettings)) }; } }
The other values works as expected. Is there a solution to this problem?