I am creating the tab as an ascx UserControl, which - I have to admit - I haven't worked with for a long time and don't really remember allt he ins and outs of it.
Everything works as expected, except that a DropDownList that I am displaying is reset before the selected value is saved (epi calls OnLoad when I click on Save in the UI).
Here's some snippets that hopefully shows enough to figure it out:
I am creating a UserSettings tab for additional information based on these instructions: https://world.episerver.com/forum/legacy-forums/Episerver-CMS-version-5/Thread-Container/2007/11/EPiServerProfile--user-data/
I am creating the tab as an ascx UserControl, which - I have to admit - I haven't worked with for a long time and don't really remember allt he ins and outs of it.
Everything works as expected, except that a DropDownList that I am displaying is reset before the selected value is saved (epi calls OnLoad when I click on Save in the UI).
Here's some snippets that hopefully shows enough to figure it out:
In the ascx (snippet of dropdown):
The backend code:
The other values works as expected. Is there a solution to this problem?