November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.
November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.
If you're looking to update your own FE components when the EPI UX updates something, or re-renders a section, I think you're going to need to subscribe to the contentSaved event to listen to the changes. When the Dojo Widget used for editing on the front-end updates it's not firing off a bunch of back-end code, it updates the FE models and saves the block data to the back-end separately.
Some info on this can be found here:
There's also a slightly outdated Alloy example that updates React components on changes to the DOM, which are fired off from saving a component.
I have an episerver Quicksilver-master project implemented with REACT
Not sending htmlrazor properties to REACT component
in content areas you can add different types of blocks,
in a type of page we have
ContentArea Company
in Company we add the car block
and the Computer block
the car block has the property of textBox number of wheels = 4
and the block computer has the text box property of the number of screens
Now comes the question, how can I send from a door number blades html to the car block controller?
public class CompanyBlockViewModel
public ContentArea MainContentArea { get; set; }
public class CarBlock : BlockData
Name = @"....",
GroupName = SystemTabNames.Content,
Order = 1)]
public virtual string NumberWheels { get; set; }
public class CarBlockViewModel
public string NumberWheels { get; set; }
public string NumberDoors { get; set; }
public class ComputerBlock : BlockData
Name = @"....",
GroupName = SystemTabNames.Content,
Order = 1)]
public virtual string NumberScreens { get; set; }
public class ComputerBlockViewModel
public string NumberScreens { get; set; }
public string SOname { get; set; }
in views
Company -> index.cshtml
<div id="CompanyPage" data-props="@SerializeToJsonHelper.SerializeToJson(Model)" />
@Html.PropertyFor(x => x.MainContentArea)
<div id="ContentPageHide" style="display: none;">
<span id="NumberDoors">4</span>
<span id="SOname"></span>
How do I send Number Screens?
to the react component