Block - PagedListPager Issue



I am new to Episerver and really hope someone can help me because I am lost at the moment.

I created an Articles Block with generates a list of news articles. A user can drag and drop the block on any page, and enter the number of articles it requires. I am trying to add pagination to this block to show if articles are more than suppose 10. It generates and shows but 2nd page is blank

public override ActionResult Index(ArticlesBlock currentBlock)
            var temp = Request.QueryString["page"];
            var articles = FindArticlePages(currentBlock);          

            if (currentBlock.IsFeaturedArticles)
                articles = articles.Where(x => x.IsFeatured);

            int pageSize = currentBlock.Count == 0 ? 10 : currentBlock.Count;
            //int pageIndex = 1;
            int pageIndex = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(temp) ? Convert.ToInt32(temp) : 1;

            //int pageIndex = page.HasValue ? Convert.ToInt32(page) : 1;

            var model = new ArticlesBlockViewModel(currentBlock, EpiServerDependencies)
                ArticlePagesList = articles.ToPagedList(pageIndex, pageSize),
                PageNumber = pageIndex  
		return PartialView("", model);
View is as below

@Html.PagedListPager(Model.ArticlePagesList, page => Url.Action("Index", new { page }))

Now, I do get the all articles as per the count entered and also the pagination like 1234>> with URLs but face the below issues

  1. The block is on page websiteurl/en/standard1/ but when I click on number 2 it has URL as websiteurl/viewfilename/Index?page=2 and not websiteurl/en/standard1/?page=2
  2. All pages that show websiteurl/viewfilename/Index?page=2 have no data, it is empty

I am using Find to get all articles

pages = SearchClient.Instance.Search<ArticlePage>()
                .Filter(x => x.Ancestors().Match(articleRoot.ID.ToString()))
              .OrderByDescending(x => x.StartPublish)

Would be grateful for any help or advice.

Thank you

Apr 14, 2021 18:40
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