November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.
November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.
We do some magic in EditorDescriptors like this
protected override void SetEditorConfiguration(ExtendedMetadata metadata)
_contentLoader.TryGet(ContentReference.StartPage, out StartPageBase startPage);
// startPage.IsMasterLanguageBranch is available here
EditorConfiguration["data"] = startPage?.Whatever?.ToString() ?? string. Empty;
You can probably load the correct content reference from the property in the screenshot. Can't really see any other way.
In step 4, when user selects "Translate", the content passed to editor descriptors is essentially an entirely new content instance. In other words, it has status "NotCreated" and does not contain any information about the master language version that is effectively being translated.
So, is there any way, in an editor descriptor, to figure out what the current master language is (i.e. which existing content is being translated)?