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Does Optimizely support reCAPTCHA Enterprise on EpiServer CMS 11?


I'm tyring to implement reCPATCHA, but it appears the only version we have access to is Enterprise.

Feb 21, 2023 17:46
Eric Herlitz - Feb 21, 2023 17:52
And you plan to implement this using Episerver Forms, or...?
eperezjr - Feb 21, 2023 17:53
Yes, sorry. We're using EpiServer Forms.

I'm fairly sure their is a reCaptcha Form Element already : Form element types ( 

If that one does not fulfil your requirements you can always create your own Form Element see example here : How to build custom Google ReCaptcha version 3 element in Episerver Forms - ted&gustaf ( 

Feb 22, 2023 9:55
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