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Find giving different results in CMS 11 vs CMS 12


Hello All,

Looking for some ideas on troubleshooting an issue.

I have a CMS 11 application which is upgraded to CMS 12. I can confirm that code changes for search feature is exactly same in CMS 11 vs CMS 12. The Geta categories is also same. Database content is also same. Only difference is Optimizely packages and Find Version.

However when running same search query with filters gives different results in CMS 11 vs CMS 12. I get two matching results in CMS 11 while 1 in CMS 12. I did scan the find index and can see that the content is identical in existing find index vs new find index.

So the question is how do I go about verifying why below code produces different results when everything is just same.Any inputs is appreciated.            

var contentResult = sortedQuery
                .Skip(paging.PageSize * paging.PageNumber)

Feb 03, 2023 22:13
Eric Herlitz - Feb 04, 2023 22:36
Which version gives the best results, 11 or 12? Which Find version do you use in each solution?
Dileep D - Feb 05, 2023 15:08
It's the 11 that gives the best results because when I search for a text (example : Retail) the results from CMS 11 has two pages with the words available while the CMS 12 gives only one. So I want to understand what the discrepancy is.

Figured out the existing application had IndexInContentArea turned on base block which was missing in new one and causing results to be out of sync. For the moment my issue is resolved but would still appreciate any help on how to debug through find queries.

Feb 06, 2023 20:21
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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