Log history for scheduled jobs in tblScheduledItemLog


Our Optimizely solution has a scheduled job that runs every five minutes, meaning it writes a log entry to the table tblScheduledItemLog every five minutes.

It seems there is a limit of 1000 rows that any fkScheduledItemId (specific scheduled job) has in that table before the older entries are cleaned. Is there any way to customize and increase this limit of 1000 or must we create our own logging solution for this? I could not find any hints on google for this.

I would appreciate any help with this greatly!

Eetu Laine

Apr 13, 2023 12:41

Try SchedulerDB.MaxLogItems property

Apr 13, 2023 12:46

Thanks for pointing this out! I don't know why I didn't come across it before. I'll see if that would be the easiest way or whether we should configure Optimizely to log these events to a file on the server.

Apr 14, 2023 5:38
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