I have multiple questions to tackle the scenarios where I want to change the Page/Block icon in editor view based on certain content property value. If it's 100% possible to do it then can someone share the approach to follow. I tried the dojo from available sample to change the icon of PageTree and it worked for me but the same code is not working for blocks (private/shared block.)
I tried that but wanted to change icons based on content properties. What I understand till now is, If we use UIDescriptor then it's applicable for specified types which is not suitable for my usecase.
I'm trying to achieve some visual apperence to mark (same type)blocks with different icons based on how it's configured.
Ah, yes I see what you are trying to achieve. I think the only solution that would work and be totally controllable would be a custom component. This however would duplicate possibly the existing functionality within the site.
Thanks ! That means, it's not out of the box functionality that can be leveraged. Any example or reference which I can follow to create custom component.
Jon D Jones has a tutorial on how to create a custom component / widget https://www.jondjones.com/learn-episerver-cms/episerver-developers-tutorials/episerver-customizing-episervers-ui/how-to-render-a-custom-view-in-the-episerver-asset-panel/. There are some useful link on David Knipes blog around Dojo and customizing the UI https://www.david-tec.com/2014/08/EPiServer-Dojo-Useful-links/.
Hello Everone !
I have multiple questions to tackle the scenarios where I want to change the Page/Block icon in editor view based on certain content property value.
If it's 100% possible to do it then can someone share the approach to follow.
I tried the dojo from available sample to change the icon of PageTree and it worked for me but the same code is not working for blocks (private/shared block.)