Getting a 500 error when attempting to update product in commerce section



I'm currently getting an issue with some of the products in the commerce section where, once changes have been made the "publish" button doesnt appear.  I've tested this on my local, however it does seem to work for the products which arent working in preproduction/testing environments.

This tells me that it can't be related to a backend coding issue but maybe something to do with how things are set up in the CMS. 

I am getting the following error in the Console:

epi.js:2 [mobx] you are running a minified build, but 'process.env.NODE_ENV' was not set to 'production' in your bundler. This results in an unnecessarily large and slow bundle
_1f8.<computed> @ epi.js:2
epi.js:2 Observable store detected, but no sort order specified. You may experience quirks when adding/updating items.  These can be resolved by setting a sort order on the list or grid.
_1f8.<computed> @ epi.js:2
epi.js:2 Observable store detected, but no sort order specified. You may experience quirks when adding/updating items.  These can be resolved by setting a sort order on the list or grid.
_1f8.<computed> @ epi.js:2
_updateNotifyHandle @ widgets.js:2
postCreate @ widgets.js:2
_19e @ dojo.js:15
postCreate @ widgets.js:2
_19e @ dojo.js:15
postCreate @ widgets.js:2
_19e @ dojo.js:15
postCreate @ widgets.js:2
_19e @ dojo.js:15
postCreate @ widgets.js:2
_19e @ dojo.js:15
postCreate @ widgets.js:2
create @ widgets.js:2
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create @ widgets.js:2
postscript @ widgets.js:2
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postCreate @ widgets.js:2
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postCreate @ widgets.js:2
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postCreate @ widgets.js:2
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create @ widgets.js:2
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_37 @ dojo.js:15
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req @ dojo.js:15
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then._2ff.then @ dojo.js:15
when @ dojo.js:15
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(anonymous) @ widgets.js:2
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resolve @ dojo.js:15
_2f2 @ dojo.js:15
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resolve @ dojo.js:15
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_36 @ dojo.js:15
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_37 @ dojo.js:15
_7c @ dojo.js:15
_f0 @ dojo.js:15
_10a @ dojo.js:15
load (async)
_101 @ dojo.js:15
req.injectUrl @ dojo.js:15
_32 @ dojo.js:15
_9 @ dojo.js:15
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_37 @ dojo.js:15
_77 @ dojo.js:15
_16 @ dojo.js:15
_87 @ dojo.js:15
load @ epi.js:2
_e7 @ dojo.js:15
_32 @ dojo.js:15
_9 @ dojo.js:15
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_37 @ dojo.js:15
_77 @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_9 @ dojo.js:15
_7b @ dojo.js:15
_f0 @ dojo.js:15
_32 @ dojo.js:15
_9 @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_37 @ dojo.js:15
_77 @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_9 @ dojo.js:15
_7b @ dojo.js:15
_f0 @ dojo.js:15
_32 @ dojo.js:15
_9 @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_37 @ dojo.js:15
_77 @ dojo.js:15
_16 @ dojo.js:15
req @ dojo.js:15
_testComponentInstanceOf @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_getObject @ widgets.js:2
_loadViewComponentByConfiguration @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ widgets.js:2
_2f2 @ dojo.js:15
then._2ff.then @ dojo.js:15
contextChanged @ widgets.js:2
_contextChanged @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_264 @ dojo.js:15
on.emit @ dojo.js:15
on.emit @ dojo.js:15
emit @ dojo.js:15
publish @ dojo.js:15
_238.<computed> @ epi.js:2
_publishContextChanged @ widgets.js:2
_handleContextLoaded @ widgets.js:2
advice @ dojo.js:15
_264 @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_2f2 @ dojo.js:15
_2ec @ dojo.js:15
resolve @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_2f2 @ dojo.js:15
_2ec @ dojo.js:15
resolve @ dojo.js:15
_2f2 @ dojo.js:15
_2ec @ dojo.js:15
resolve @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ widgets.js:2
_2f2 @ dojo.js:15
_2ec @ dojo.js:15
resolve @ dojo.js:15
_2f8 @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_2f2 @ dojo.js:15
then._2ff.then @ dojo.js:15
_2f2 @ dojo.js:15
_2ec @ dojo.js:15
resolve @ dojo.js:15
_2f8 @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_2cd @ dojo.js:15
_2cb @ dojo.js:15
resolve.callback @ dojo.js:15
_2cd @ dojo.js:15
_2cb @ dojo.js:15
resolve.callback @ dojo.js:15
_2cd @ dojo.js:15
_2cb @ dojo.js:15
resolve.callback @ dojo.js:15
_2cd @ dojo.js:15
_2cb @ dojo.js:15
resolve.callback @ dojo.js:15
_2cd @ dojo.js:15
_2cb @ dojo.js:15
resolve.callback @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_2f2 @ dojo.js:15
_2ec @ dojo.js:15
resolve @ dojo.js:15
_2f8 @ dojo.js:15
_2f2 @ dojo.js:15
_2ec @ dojo.js:15
resolve @ dojo.js:15
_2f8 @ dojo.js:15
_2f2 @ dojo.js:15
_2ec @ dojo.js:15
resolve @ dojo.js:15
_2f8 @ dojo.js:15
_2f2 @ dojo.js:15
_2ec @ dojo.js:15
resolve @ dojo.js:15
_4f2 @ dojo.js:15
_4fe @ dojo.js:15
load (async)
_4f8 @ dojo.js:15
xhr @ dojo.js:15
dojo.xhr @ dojo.js:15
_sendRequest @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_2f2 @ dojo.js:15
then._2ff.then @ dojo.js:15
xhr @ widgets.js:2
xhr @ widgets.js:2
xhr @ widgets.js:2
xhrGet @ widgets.js:2
query @ widgets.js:2
query @ widgets.js:2
_f45.query @ widgets.js:2
_c3d @ widgets.js:2
_c42.<computed> @ widgets.js:2
_loadNewContext @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_2f2 @ dojo.js:15
then._2ff.then @ dojo.js:15
_handleContextChangeRequest @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_264 @ dojo.js:15
on.emit @ dojo.js:15
on.emit @ dojo.js:15
emit @ dojo.js:15
publish @ dojo.js:15
_238.<computed> @ epi.js:2
_requestNewContext @ widgets.js:2
_onChangeContext @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
dojo.js:15     POST 500
xhr @ dojo.js:15
dojo.xhr @ dojo.js:15
_sendRequest @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_2f2 @ dojo.js:15
then._2ff.then @ dojo.js:15
xhr @ widgets.js:2
xhr @ widgets.js:2
xhr @ widgets.js:2
put @ widgets.js:2
_f9a.put @ widgets.js:2
_f45.<computed> @ widgets.js:2
_f84.<computed> @ widgets.js:2
ensureWritableVersion @ widgets.js:2
_save @ widgets.js:2
save @ widgets.js:2
_setModelProperty @ widgets.js:2
advice @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ widgets.js:1
advice @ dojo.js:15
_264 @ dojo.js:15
setProperty @ widgets.js:2
_onWrapperValueChange @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_264 @ dojo.js:15
save @ widgets.js:2
_onChange @ widgets.js:2
_19e @ dojo.js:15
_onChange @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_264 @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
setTimeout (async)
defer @ widgets.js:2
_handleOnChange @ widgets.js:2
_19e @ dojo.js:15
_handleOnChange @ widgets.js:2
_setValueAttr @ widgets.js:2
_19e @ dojo.js:15
_setValueAttr @ widgets.js:2
_19e @ dojo.js:15
_setValueAttr @ widgets.js:2
_19e @ dojo.js:15
_setValueAttr @ widgets.js:2
_setBlurValue @ widgets.js:2
_onBlur @ widgets.js:2
_19e @ dojo.js:15
_onBlur @ widgets.js:2
_19e @ dojo.js:15
_onBlur @ widgets.js:2
_setStack @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
setTimeout (async)
_onBlurNode @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ widgets.js:2
epi.js:2 _317 {message: 'Unable to load /EPiServer/cms/Stores/contentversion/ status: 500', response: {…}, status: 500, responseText: '', xhr: XMLHttpRequest, …}message: "Unable to load /EPiServer/cms/Stores/contentversion/ status: 500"response: {url: '/EPiServer/cms/Stores/contentversion/', options: TMP, xhr: XMLHttpRequest, status: 500, getHeader: ƒ, …}responseText: ""status: 500xhr: XMLHttpRequest {onreadystatechange: null, readyState: 4, timeout: 0, withCredentials: false, upload: XMLHttpRequestUpload, …}stack: "Error: Unable to load /EPiServer/cms/Stores/contentversion/ status: 500\n    at new _317 (\n    at _2f1._4f2 [as handleResponse] (\n    at XMLHttpRequest._4fe ("[[Prototype]]: Error
_1f8.<computed> @ epi.js:2
_498 @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_2cd @ dojo.js:15
_2cb @ dojo.js:15
reject.errback @ dojo.js:15
_2cd @ dojo.js:15
_2cb @ dojo.js:15
reject.errback @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_2f2 @ dojo.js:15
_2ec @ dojo.js:15
_30a.reject @ dojo.js:15
_2f8 @ dojo.js:15
_2f2 @ dojo.js:15
_2ec @ dojo.js:15
_30a.reject @ dojo.js:15
_2f8 @ dojo.js:15
_2f2 @ dojo.js:15
_2ec @ dojo.js:15
_30a.reject @ dojo.js:15
_2f8 @ dojo.js:15
_2f2 @ dojo.js:15
_2ec @ dojo.js:15
_30a.reject @ dojo.js:15
_2f8 @ dojo.js:15
_2f2 @ dojo.js:15
_2ec @ dojo.js:15
_30a.reject @ dojo.js:15
_4f2 @ dojo.js:15
_4fe @ dojo.js:15
load (async)
_4f8 @ dojo.js:15
xhr @ dojo.js:15
dojo.xhr @ dojo.js:15
_sendRequest @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_2f2 @ dojo.js:15
then._2ff.then @ dojo.js:15
xhr @ widgets.js:2
xhr @ widgets.js:2
xhr @ widgets.js:2
put @ widgets.js:2
_f9a.put @ widgets.js:2
_f45.<computed> @ widgets.js:2
_f84.<computed> @ widgets.js:2
ensureWritableVersion @ widgets.js:2
_save @ widgets.js:2
save @ widgets.js:2
_setModelProperty @ widgets.js:2
advice @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ widgets.js:1
advice @ dojo.js:15
_264 @ dojo.js:15
setProperty @ widgets.js:2
_onWrapperValueChange @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_264 @ dojo.js:15
save @ widgets.js:2
_onChange @ widgets.js:2
_19e @ dojo.js:15
_onChange @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_264 @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
setTimeout (async)
defer @ widgets.js:2
_handleOnChange @ widgets.js:2
_19e @ dojo.js:15
_handleOnChange @ widgets.js:2
_setValueAttr @ widgets.js:2
_19e @ dojo.js:15
_setValueAttr @ widgets.js:2
_19e @ dojo.js:15
_setValueAttr @ widgets.js:2
_19e @ dojo.js:15
_setValueAttr @ widgets.js:2
_setBlurValue @ widgets.js:2
_onBlur @ widgets.js:2
_19e @ dojo.js:15
_onBlur @ widgets.js:2
_19e @ dojo.js:15
_onBlur @ widgets.js:2
_setStack @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
setTimeout (async)
_onBlurNode @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ widgets.js:2
_317 {message: 'Unable to load /EPiServer/cms/Stores/contentversion/ status: 500', response: {…}, status: 500, responseText: '', xhr: XMLHttpRequest, …}

Any help would be much appreciated.

Im assuming this could be something to do with the FE or settings that i would need to look at in the CMS?


Edited, Aug 02, 2023 14:34

if you open the network tab in browser console, you will see the request that is getting 500 response, then you can open that to hopefully see the detailed message (often a stacktrace if you disabled custom error)

Aug 03, 2023 5:59

And if you cannot see the error in the network tab of your browser you could check your server log files or application insights if you have that.

Aug 08, 2023 9:02
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.