Question about Addons


Hi all! 

I'm looking on the addon part of Optimizely and have some questions that is hard to find any answer on.

My questions is

1. Is it possible to exend following menu with the MenuProvider? If it possible how can i add some menu item in some sections? 

2. When I have create a Razor-package for my view and can load it as a model. But when i try to access the first page I get that views are not found.
The folder structure looks like:

  • MyCmsProject,
    • Optimizely CMS12 instance.
    • Has a reference to MyAddon project.
    • Can load MenuProvider and it shows up
    • By clicking on the link it will throw exception
  • MyAddon (Razor Component library)
    • MyAddon.Views
      • Views
        • MyHome
          • Index.cshtml
    • Controllers
      • MyHomeController.cs
    • MenuProvilder.cs

3. Do it exist a good tutorial how to setup an Addon for Optimizely 12 with best practice etc? 

Jan 14, 2024 23:11

Yes, you add the location of where the menu goes depends on what you set on the path param in the UrlMenuItem in your menu provider for example for adding in to the admin section under the examples sub section but if you use an existing path it will add it there. You can get the paths from decompiling the assmeblies

var urlMenuItem1 = new UrlMenuItem("Custom Admin Page 1", MenuPaths.Global + "/cms/admin/examplesub1", "/ExampleAdmin/FunctionOne");
urlMenuItem1.IsAvailable = context => true;
urlMenuItem1.SortIndex = SortIndex.First + 100;
urlMenuItem1.AuthorizationPolicy = CmsPolicyNames.CmsAdmin;

As for a tutorial, I ran the CMS 12 upgrade masterclasses and here's an excerpt from my excercise book. The key thing to make sure about is that the code for the UrlMenuItem url matches the path in your controller, e.g you see below the "/ExampleAdmin/FunctionOne" matches the fcontroller name (without controller) and action

Create a Controller for the Admin Plugin

Under the controllers folder create a new class file called CustomAdminPageController and copy the following code

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

namespace AlloyMvcTemplates.Controllers
    [Authorize(Roles = "CmsAdmin,WebAdmins,Administrators")]
    public class CustomAdminPageController : Controller
        // GET
        public IActionResult Index()
            return View();

Create a View for the Admin Plugin

Under the Views folder create a new folder CustomAdminPage and add a razor file called Index.cshtml

Copy the following code in

@using EPiServer.Shell.Navigation

    Layout = string.Empty;

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Content Security Policy Management</title>
        body {
            margin: 0;
            padding: 0;

        div.admin-container {
            display: inline-block;
            margin-top: 60px;
            padding: 10px;
<div class="admin-container">
        My Custom Admin Page 1

Create the Admin Menu Provider

Under the Business folder create a new folder called Admin and inside create a class file called CustomAdminMenuProvider.cs

Copy the following code in to the file

using System.Collections.Generic;
using EPiServer.Shell.Navigation;

namespace AlloyTemplates.Business.Admin

    public class CustomAdminMenuProvider : IMenuProvider
        public IEnumerable<MenuItem> GetMenuItems()
            var adminModule = new UrlMenuItem("Custom Admin Module", "/global/cms/customadmin", "/CustomAdminPage/Index");
            adminModule.IsAvailable = context => true;
            adminModule.SortIndex = 100;
            var urlMenuItem1 = new UrlMenuItem("Custom Admin Page 1", "/global/cms/customadmin/pageone", "/CustomAdminPage/FunctionOne");
            urlMenuItem1.IsAvailable = context => true;
            urlMenuItem1.SortIndex = 100;
            var urlMenuItem2 = new UrlMenuItem("Custom Admin Page 2", "/global/cms/customadmin/pagetwo", "/CustomAdminPage/FunctionTwo");
            urlMenuItem2.IsAvailable = context => true;
            urlMenuItem2.SortIndex = 100;

            return new List<MenuItem>(3)

Each of the UrlMenuItem objects above configures a new sub section of the admin area. When this step is completed you should see this in the admin area (note this is a slightly older version before the menu moved to the left

Edited, Jan 15, 2024 9:50

Thank you alot Scott! 

Where can i find this masterclasses for CMS 12? 

Great Regards


Jan 15, 2024 10:20
Scott Reed - Jan 15, 2024 17:57
It's not available anymore. I co-ran it with Optimizely as an MVP just after CMS 12 was released. The areas of the custom admin plugins are pretty much everything I shared above apart from the code samples which are on an early CMS 12 version

Here's a recent blog post about creating an add-on for CMS 12 --

(Not written by me, to be clear.)

Jan 22, 2024 20:16
Mikael Ekroth - Jan 23, 2024 6:59
Thanks! I will bookmark this one. It's like that kind of tutorial I'm looking for. It's hard to setup an addon just by the documentation if you are new in to Optimizely.
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