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JavaScript error when using "Format Paragraph" in a table in the editor (4.31)

I get the following error in 4.31 on some (not all) computers running WinXP and IE6, at least one with SP2: I insert a table in the editor, write some text in a cell, select it, then try to apply a style using "Format Paragraph" on the context menu. A JavaScript error is then generated: Line: 481 Char: 2 Error: Unknown runtime error Code: 0 URL: http://localhost/Edit/EditPanel.aspx?id=1301 Can this be caused by security settings in Internet Explorer that need to be changed?
Jan 26, 2005 10:54
What paragraph format causes the error? Or do you get the same error no matter what format you choose? If you enable script debugging in the browser, can you see the exact location in the script where the error occurs?
Jan 31, 2005 11:39
The problem occurs regardless of what format I try to apply, neither a CSS class nor a heading tag. However, the JavaScript error only occurs under certain conditions: - Select the entire table cell: no error - Select all the words within the cell: error - Select some but not all the words within the cell: no error Unfortunately I wasn't able to enable the script debugger.
Feb 03, 2005 12:30
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