Jag har stött på ett underligt fel. När jag går in i edit läge och kilckar på någon sida i trädstrukturen laddas sidan i samma frame, alltså på vänster sida. Detta gör att jag varken kan navigera eller editera innehåll i sidan.
Felet uppstår endast i edit läge Admin fungerar som det ska.
Någon som har haft samma problem/har en lösning?
We have encountered a similar type of error. Check the following:
- Hit Ctrl+F5 to ensure that you are running the correct Javacripts for this version of EPiServer (typical error on developer machines)
- If you or other developers in your team have created any plugins (properties / edit), ensure that you have these on your site. If there is a propertydefinitionplugin on one of the pages in the tree structure that you don't have on your machine, this may result in this type of error)
Frank :)
Wierd, but it worked! :)
The thing was that the problem only occured in one of many websites on the same machine, and it didn't helk restarting IIS.
But now it works, thanks! :P