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Problem accessing *.dll - machine.config error

The last days I've had problem with accessing bin-folder when compiling new code. Source file of error is reported as the machine.config-file, specifically the line stating I also get "Parser Error Message: Access is denied: 'EPiServer.CodeBehind'" "Assembly Load Trace: The following information can be helpful to determine why the assembly 'EPiServer.CodeBehind' could not be loaded." Any idea why this is happening, and how to solve the problem. I usually just have to wait a couple of minutes and try again, then everyting runs smoothly. However, this is rather annoying when developing new code and having this problem each time I compile my code.
Apr 08, 2005 15:56
See: and and they might help you out. /Steve
Apr 08, 2005 19:15
Thanks! I suspect the problem might be the Microsoft Indexing Server, which is one of the theories here. When I come to think of it, this problem startet about the same time I configured the Index Server to start running on my computer. Frank
Apr 11, 2005 15:15
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