External urls for pages

We need to create external urls for a page using the editor interface and the function "Shortcut / External link". The problem is that our own code that tries to create menues does not get the "Open in new window" setting. Is this part visible through some property or field?
May 16, 2005 17:02
Yes you can get that information from the Property PageTargetFrame in the PageData object. e.g. page.Property["PageTargetFrame"].Value However, this value is returned as an integer where 1 = _blank, 2 = _top. I'm not sure if there is a better way to get the right value but I usually use a switch statement like the following switch( page.Property["PageTargetFrame"].Value.ToString() ) { case "1": return "_blank"; case "2": return "_top"; default: return "_self"; } Hope this helps.
May 18, 2005 5:16
Oh, now I see it! It was under Property and not close to PageLink or LinkURL in the documentation. Thanks! /Johan
May 18, 2005 13:25
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