Log4Net setup troubles...

I have been struggling to get the log4net service running, but so far without luck. I have configured the episerverlog.config in the web root, the episerver.logservice.exe.config, but still i dont get any logs and the service returns this error: ----error msg start---- Event Type: Error Event Source: EPiServer.LogService Event Category: None Event ID: 0 Date: 21-06-2005 Time: 14:06:38 User: N/A Computer: Description: Service cannot be started. System.Exception: Can not load classes, probebly the configfile 'EPiServer.Log.Service.exe.config' in the directory %PROGRAMFILES%\EPiServer.LogService is missing. ---> EPiServer.BaseLibrary.ClassFactoryException: ClassFactory not initialized at EPiServer.BaseLibrary.ClassFactory.get_Instance() at EPiServer.BaseLibrary.ClassFactory.IsRegistered(Type baseType) at EPiServer.Log.Service.LogService.DefaultRegisterClasses() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at EPiServer.Log.Service.LogService.DefaultRegisterClasses() at EPiServer.Log.Service.LogService.Start() at EPiServer.Log.Service.LogService.OnStart(String[] args) at System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase.ServiceQueuedMainCallback(Object state) ----error msg end---- Can anyone troubleshoot, or give some sort of hints. The helpfiles and episervr site hasnt been very helpful so far. :/
Jun 21, 2005 14:54
Hi, this fault is related to that the global class factory cant be loaded and the initializing of the LogService will fail. This can depend on: - that you have an old, not removed LogService from any release candidate of the 4.50 release. -The file name for the configuration file has to be EPiServer.LogService.exe.config not EPiServer.Log.Service.exe.config (or not EPiServer.Log.Service.exe.config.default) You can type EPiServer.logService DEBUG on the command line in your LogService directory (%PROGRAMFILES%\EPiServer.LogService). To turn on debug logging for the service you have to change the file log4net.config file and set level=DEBUG. Ex. ...
Jun 22, 2005 14:11
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