Weird paging behaviour in NewsList

The paging function in EPiServer 4.5 is behaving strangely in my NewsList. Every second time I hit a number link in the paging control the news list loads the first page instead of the requested page. That means I have to click twice on each link to get to the correct paging sequence. The only changes I made in the NewsList compared to 4.41 were Paging="true" and PagesPerPagingItem="5".
Jul 28, 2005 15:23
Hello! This is a known issue that is fixed in EPiServer 4.51 that is planned for release in September: Issue #36889 - PagingControl may have strange behavior due to databinding issues.
Aug 04, 2005 16:28
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.