Friendly URLs and SEO

In EPiServers implementation of FriendlyUrls several 302 redirects are made, at least in our system. And what I have found on the internet this is not good for SEO(Serch Engine Optimization). The section below explains my concern(, can anybody tell my if this is an issue or not. (Since EPiServer and Google are "partners/friends") 302 Redirect (Normal redirect or JavaScript redirect) This confuses SEs a bit as they don’t know that they are on a new page and Google recommends SEOs not to use this technique as it is often used by Spammers. It could also cause a duplicate content problem as OldPage.htm looks like NewPage.htm because of the redirect.
May 29, 2006 17:53
Hi Jörgen, the normal way to handle redirects by the friendly URL module is to make a permanent redirect (301) to the friendly URL, this kind of redirects is not confusing the search engine. The redirects that is confusing for the search engine is the temporary redirects (302) and is done in some cases in EPiServer for example when user is directed to the login page. The friendly URL module prints out all its redirects to the logger. So I recommend that you turn on debugging and investigate why the temporary redirects is made.
May 30, 2006 7:45
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