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Query string parameters are removed by Friendly url module

Hi, we are having some issues with the Friendly url functionality. When it translates the url (non friendly) to a friendly url it does some redirecting. In this redirect the query string parameters are removed, here is an example: When navigating directly wit the url EPi translates it to --> in this step the &mkt=off key is removed from the query string to later become --> Why is this and is there a way to retrieve the missing keys and values withouth dissabeling friendly url. Is this fixed in 4.61? can't find it in the release notes.
Jun 29, 2006 15:39
Hi Kalle, yes this is fixed in 4.61, the only parameters that should be removed is id and epslanguage(because its already in the link).
Jul 11, 2006 7:30
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.