Render InputPageReference

If I want to render the InputPageReference control I have to patch the generated code like this example: //Create a InputPageReference on the fly EPiServer.WebControls.InputPageReference pref = new EPiServer.WebControls.InputPageReference(); //Setting text value (if not still in view mode, now in edit) pref.Text = "4"; //Put an id to the control before render pref.ID = "pref1"; System.Text.StringBuilder result = new System.Text.StringBuilder(1024); pref.RenderControl(new HtmlTextWriter(new System.IO.StringWriter(result))); //Patch EPiServers webcontrol! Is this a bug? result.Replace("document.all['Hidden'].value,'Display','Hidden'", "document.all['" + pref.ID + "$Hidden'].value,'" + pref.ID + "$Display','" + pref.ID + "$Hidden'"); //Set the control, it could be just right to a pages form. In this case inside a webgrid's row event: e.Row.Columns["Source"].BeforeEditHtml = Server.HtmlEncode(result.ToString()) + result.ToString();
Mar 02, 2007 17:07
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