Updated episerver site with episerver fields and followed directions but when I try to upload ep4 file I get (below). I set me edit path as /MyEPiServer/edit_itn and admin path as /MyEPiServer/admin_itn and renamed episerver.fields to episerverfields in config/Pageadapterform and selectdialog (even though documentation said that this only applies to 4.5 and earlier versions - I tried not renaming either). Please help.
The following warnings have been generated:
[EPiField Base Library - PageUseOutputCache] Property does not exist on destination page type
[Phrases - PageUseOutputCache] Property does not exist on destination page type
[Greetings (with timer) - PageUseOutputCache] Property does not exist on destination page type
[18:00 - 21:00 Good evening - PageUseOutputCache] Property does not exist on destination page type
[00.00 - 05:00 Good night - PageUseOutputCache] Property does not exist on destination page type
[10:00 - 14:00 Good day - PageUseOutputCache] Property does not exist on destination page type
[14:00 - 18:00 Good afternoon - PageUseOutputCache] Property does not exist on destination page type
[21.00 - 24:00 Good night - PageUseOutputCache] Property does not exist on destination page type
[05:00 - 10:00 Good morning - PageUseOutputCache] Property does not exist on destination page type
[Copyright notice - PageUseOutputCache] Property does not exist on destination page type
[Banner - PageUseOutputCache] Property does not exist on destination page type
[On the hour (with timer) - PageUseOutputCache] Property does not exist on destination page type
[45-59 It is soon ... o'clock - PageUseOutputCache] Property does not exist on destination page type
[10-14 It is soon quarter past... - PageUseOutputCache] Property does not exist on destination page type
[22-29 It is soon half past... - PageUseOutputCache] Property does not exist on destination page type
[40-44 It is soon quarter to... - PageUseOutputCache] Property does not exist on destination page type
[EPiFields Samples - PageUseOutputCache] Property does not exist on destination page type
[EPiFields Exercise 2 - PageUseOutputCache] Property does not exist on destination page type
[EPiFields Exercise 3 - PageUseOutputCache] Property does not exist on destination page type
[EPiFields Exercise 1 - PageUseOutputCache] Property does not exist on destination page type
[PortalPart Graph Sample - PageUseOutputCache] Property does not exist on destination page type
[Integration - PageUseOutputCache] Property does not exist on destination page type
[HTML SamplePage - part [HTML] - PageUseOutputCache] Property does not exist on destination page type
[EPiServer News [XML] - PageUseOutputCache] Property does not exist on destination page type
[Local languages - two fields [SQL] - PageUseOutputCache] Property does not exist on destination page type
[HTML Sample Page - articles [HTML] - PageUseOutputCache] Property does not exist on destination page type
[Local languages - full info [SQL] - PageUseOutputCache] Property does not exist on destination page type