Add user/group unsorted in 4.61

The pop-up when choosing user used to be in alphabetical order.. now it´s scrambled! When having 800 users that´s kind of annoying, putting it nicely.
May 23, 2007 13:47
Hi Sofia! The list is ordered first by Type then by Name, so if you have mixed user types (eg. Extranet, Windows and LDap), the list can appear somewhat random. The list order is determined by the Order By statement in the stored procedure 'netSidSearch' If you decide to alter the ordering in the procedure, beware of that future updates of EPiServer might overwrite your changes. Best regards, Johan Olofsson EPiServer AB
May 23, 2007 14:16
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.