The SP is supposed to be there (at lease in later versions). Maybe you could try to install a clean episerver site with database, and check if you can use the stored procedure from there? (Then you could rightclick the sp in management studio, choose "Script Stored Procedure as", and the choose CREATE To). The code thats then generated could be run in your other database to create the sp there. Just a thougt.
I have a problem with EPiServer 4.62 (one of our clients use it and we need to be able to test our solutions in it). I've installed a test site but I cannot even get to the admmin login page. I keep getting the following error message: Could not find stored procedure 'netPageDefinitionList'. I've searched both this forum and the net but haven't found anything that have helped me. I've already tried running the sql manually in the database but the procedure is still missing. Is there any solution to this problem?