Office Integration gives me headache


I've set everything as it's written at

Office plug-in is istalled in Office 2007 (Windows XP machine), and when I start wizard everything goes well, authentification is working, I can select page type from the list, until I have to click "Save and view".

After this, as I understood, plug-in should get .wsc script from the server and that's the point when I receive error: "Converting to EPiServer CMS format" , "A error occurred while the file was converted".
In a log at client machine I've found this:

2012-06-03 22:02:37,394 1196 EPiServer.ShellTools Progress: Converting to EPiServer CMS format

2012-06-03 22:02:37,454 1196 EPiServer.ShellTools ConnectionManager: Loading ticket
2012-06-03 22:02:37,835 1196 EPiServer.ShellTools FileProcessor: Creating convert module
2012-06-03 22:02:37,835 1196 EPiServer.ShellTools DataManager: Creating module base on URL: {script:http://<siteURL>/secret/CMS/OfficeIntegration/Components/EPiServer.Excel.wsc}
2012-06-03 22:02:38,826 1196 EPiServer.ShellTools DataManager: Failed creating module based on URL {script:http://<siteURL>/secret/CMS/OfficeIntegration/Components/EPiServer.Excel.wsc} [0x800C0006]

When I try to download EPiServer.Excel.wsc I receive error 404.

I have no problem to access office integratoin web service at <siteURL>/secret/CMS/OfficeIntegration/WebServices/PageService.asmx.

Jun 03, 2012 22:27
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