EditContainerClass for Content Areas in 7.10


Hey All,

When apploying a EditContainerClass property on a content area rendering in MVC, I'm noticing that it's not applying this class anymore, has something changed?


Html.PropertyFor(m => m.BottomRowleftBlock, new { AdType = "GeneralPromo", AdPosition = "1", AdKey = Model.EpomKey286x125GeneralPromo, DisplayType = "BottomLeft", DisplayPosition = "BottomLeft", CustomTag = "div", EditContainerClass = "edit_homepagepromo" })

where BottomRowLeftBlock is a content area property.

I posted this in the developer forums for Episerver 7.5 - but decided to post here as well since this seems like a bug. The issue is affecting our editors because the overlays for editing content areas dont apply the class and thus dont sit atop the layout correctly.

Jul 30, 2014 9:58
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