You could try to turn on debugging scripts. then the error message and callstack should be displayed in more friendly way. You could do this by adding clientResources debug=true setting to config file:
<episerver.framework> <clientResources debug="true" />
And do you have any custom dojo widgets added to your solution?
You could try to turn off them temporary and check if the error still occurs.
Thanks, were actually just looking in to that!
No I don't have any custom dojo widgets I'm afraid.
Thanks for quick input.
A proof that the smallest piece of text can mess with your brain.
After activating the client side debug and looking around it finally brought my attention to the language files.
A little line of text was outside of it's <></> and made the whole edit ui go boom.
This is solved, thank's for assistance!
I'm currently upgrading a site from 7 to 7.5 (an upwards) and are facing some issues regarding Dojo in edit mode.
Admin area, the site in general and everything else seem to work fine. But I get the below error message from dojo when entering edit mode and I have no clue currently what I'm missing.
I've checked so that my appdata base path is correct etc. and all seem fine. Been comparing with another working 7.5 site with the same version and still can't see where things are going wrong.
Appreciating some help if this is recognized, can't find anything related to this on google.
(Above error is appearing and nothing is rendered in edit mode because of this)
Thanks in advance