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Internet Explorer not rendering name attribute


I made a block and added it as a property

[Display(Name = "My Block", GroupName = SystemTabNames.Content, Order = 2)]
public virtual MyBlock MyBlock { get; set; }

which renders like this in Chrome

My Block...

but like this in Internet Explorer 11

My Block...

so it is missing the name attribute. I did't check in any other browser.

I used the name attribute on fieldset to add some functionality from my dojo script, but it is not possible due to IE problem.

1. Is this an Episerver or IE issue?

2. What are my options on finding my block on the client side (using jQuery)?


Edited, Mar 07, 2017 10:55

BTW, if I edit the post above, HTML code gets rendered ...

Edited, Mar 07, 2017 12:25
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